Working Remote in a time of Covid-19

4 min readMar 15, 2021

It was once said that the cure for anything overwhelming, is to just breathe!

Resourceful Covid-19 Regulators

“As the founding members of DARJYO (PTY) LTD we have taken the approach using our knowledge gained from years in the Media, Information and Communications Technology sector to deliver creatively innovative results to our clients.” ~ Opening statement for all means & purposes since I as the other ‘co-founder’ need not delve deeper into the ‘WHY we exist’ premise of writing here forth.

I recently had a conversation with a close friend who mentioned that she could not believe we had come to this point where we were unable to get up and go into work for the many tomorrows after our talks.

It dawned upon me; not too long ago — I was ‘this’ person towards the end of 2019.

I woke up each day thinking the very same thing. How was I going to make life a routine again after I had just left a tenured comfort zone of what I once thought was the beginning and end of me.

Trust me when I say this; I was way more fearless when I was younger and understood responsibility. I know, that sounds contradictory but now I’m an older ‘me’; and it may look like my responsibility towards a career took a slide and my fear factor scale was supposed to tipple, but all of what was going on made me become braver than I thought I was.

For me, this Lockdown situation may not seem as painstaking for my career as it may be for others.

Yes, we have moved towards a different way of doing things and that means having to adapt, and do it at the speed of lightning while we face a new normal.

Setting up Collaborative methods to working remotely ~ courtesy of Google Primer.

I’ve been the type of worker who could be a team player or get things done autonomously. The whole “Remote working” phrase buzzing around right now caught me off guard as an employee whenever I was given the tasks no one else had the enthusiasm to get done. So, I would work at my optimum ‘after working hours’ and get the best work done, unknowingly. It makes me cringe that my ability to be as flexible as I was, gave off the notion that I was an efficient and valuable part of something bigger.

I look by after a few months to more than a year in the middle of uncertainty amidst interchangeable levels of lockdown, and without certainty our guts know that normal would be an understatement of what is yet to come. The buzz all over is getting by towards a “New Normal”. Our mindsets have already begun changing, current failures are replacing our brash arrogance with forced humility. We will never take anything for granted going forward. We will re-invent ourselves and go on picking up life’s survival skills. No other start of a new decade will ever appreciate life the way we will amidst “this too shall pass”.

Another year gone by of what was meant to be the beginning of a new decade, is actually more than I had planned to be — I live in safety, I work at a pace I’m willing to learn and un-learn, I feel freedom in the moments I get to decide what stays or what goes: sometimes ‘what’ is replaced by ‘who’ too… 😊

Class of 20–21: You could be in Business class, working class, the Home-executive class, Grade R or a matriculant being home-schooled — Some of you have lost jobs/ facing salary cuts; getting pushed back or moving ahead… Just remember that in between the creases of this pandemic we all have become the Chosen ones’; we will savor every success henceforth.

Our lives and careers are just getting started, buckle down and grind it out!

From, one Daily survivor to every other out here.

We are extremely grateful for the support we have received thus far, continue to share our vision, and exceed your own with DARJYO by your side.


Author: JR Persadh (Co-Founder@DARJYO)




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